Thank you from Nepal

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Thank you for your financial and prayer partnership with Laci and I!

In January I lead a Legacy Team to Nepal. The goal of this team was to raise awareness, financial partnership and construction teams to help make the Nepal Theological College women’s dorm project a reality.

Thanks to a huge effort of multiple organizations and the field team from Nepal, the construction on this $850K project is about to begin!

Here is a video about the work we just had produced. Construction begins in April!

You can join me in February 2018 on a Legacy Team!

Thank you for your faithful financial and prayer support that allows Laci and I to serve with Builders International!

One Response to “Thank you from Nepal”

  1. Kathy Cagle says:

    Dear Ryan and Laci, We are so touched by your vision and dedication to the nations. We feel your hearts as we read and see your videos in your newsletters. We know your road is wonderful, but not always easy.

    Our love and prayers always,

    Kathy and Paul