A Rich Heritage

The first MAPS Construction team was lead by Norm Correll in 1967 to Freeport, Grand Bahama.  The adventure began as a group of men flew in a private plane 90 miles off the coast of Florida to assist with the construction of a church on the Caribbean island. Ryan Moore,…

The first MAPS Construction team was lead by Norm Correll in 1967 to Freeport, Grand Bahama.  The adventure began as a group of men flew in a private plane 90 miles off the coast of Florida to assist with the construction of a church on the Caribbean island.

2013-08-22 13.37.11Ryan Moore, Norm Correll, Lamar Headley, Ken Patrick

This trip set in motion the ministry of MAPS Construction that has involved thousands of volunteer builders on thousands of projects around the world.  This facility is still in use today and represents the longevity the investments of time and money in and Assemblies of God World Missions construction project.

Here is the original story on this project from “MAPS News” circa 1989:

MAPS history 2

Check out what projects we are working on today, you can be a part of continuing this good work and impacting lives and communities around the world!  http://projects.buildersintl.org/

What’s your favorite memory from a construction missions trip?

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