The caste system is alive and well in Nepal. Imagine the plight of the “Dalit” class…at the bottom of the barrel…cast aside by their society as untouchables. Now, imagine the impossibility of recovery, when your entire village is destroyed by an earthquake.
When you are a “Dalit“, it’s all bad news…unless you have help from the outside!
This is the case in a Gurkatar village in the Himalayas of Nepal, where there is a message of hope, coming by way of Pastor Arjun. We have the opportunity to help build 16 homes for “Dalit” class Muslim people, as an extension of God’s love for them through our friend Pastor Arjun.
Immediate Need: $2,300 – Within the next week.
Help RebuildNext week the first two “model” homes will begin. We are partnering with other groups in the project. Your $2,000 will help complete a $12,000 project.
Long Term Need: $67,600, to rebuild 16 homes. – $4,200 per home.
You can give toward this work as well as lead a team to work on one of these projects!
Help RebuildBuilding for Life,
Ryan and Laci