Travel Secrets

Volunteer construction teams (MAPS Construction teams) make a huge impact internationally on the work they complete each year.  We believe the action of every construction team transforms the destiny of the people and communities they serve.  In 2012 there were 301 construction teams! When these teams make it to their…


Volunteer construction teams (MAPS Construction teams) make a huge impact internationally on the work they complete each year.  We believe the action of every construction team transforms the destiny of the people and communities they serve.  In 2012 there were 301 construction teams!

When these teams make it to their final destination, they are ready to run.  In fact, adrenaline and excitement cause many to overextend themselves during a trip.  This is accentuated when the travel includes overnight flights and changing time zones.

Here are some tips that may help you be ready to hit the ground running and fight jet-lag to get the most out of your trip:

  1. Use this handy jet-lag tool to adjust your sleep/eat patterns during travel:
  2. Avoid the food they serve on the plane. –  Bring your own snacks, so you can eat as many healthy foods as possible, such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Keep meals light while traveling.
  3. Drink as little caffeine as possible during travel (this is a hard one for me!) – It affects your ability to sleep, which is key to fighting jet-lag
  4. Pack everything in a carry on. – This is not always possible, but when traveling with a team, checked luggage causes much delay and heartache.

What are some of your traveling tips and secrets to make international travel simple and successful?

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