Building for Life

KISS, one of my favorite principals in life.  Why complicate things when you can KISS?  As a veteran of the U.S. Navy, I’m proud to say they did a good thing when implementing the use of this term. We view our work at Builders International as simply – BUILDING for…

Ryan_bwKISS, one of my favorite principals in life.  Why complicate things when you can KISS?  As a veteran of the U.S. Navy, I’m proud to say they did a good thing when implementing the use of this term.

We view our work at Builders International as simply – BUILDING for life:

  1. Quality of Life – Appropriate infrastructure is necessary.
  2. Community Life – A new school or church facility can transform a community.
  3. Abundant Life – Not just getting by, but living well and abundantly.
  4. Eternal Life – That our work would bring people to a life saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

How you can be involved in BUILDING for life:

How have you seen life transformed through your experiences of building around the world?


One of the crew, on the job in the community of Vaudreuil, on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  This is the first school ever in this community, providing a new opportunity for the over 1500 kids in the area!

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