We miss time with our friends!
We’ve been praying for our friends in South Texas in the aftermath of the winter storm last week. Thank God 2020 and now the first month-and-a-half of 2021 is in the history books! Pivot has certainly been the name of the game for Builders International over the last year, as I am sure was the same for you!
The generosity of our partners never ceases to amaze me. When the shutdowns began, we never could have imagined 2020 would end so well for Builders International! It began with dedicating the women’s dorm at Nepal Theological College, then finishing the Berea ChildHope school in Guatemala, and building the first 4 of 100 churches in Uruguay.
Jesus said, “I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” COVID-19, government shutdowns, international travel at a standstill…and yet God’s church continues to grow and move forward!
We miss time with our friends!! As international travel has continued to be pushed back, the Builders team rallied to prepare what I believe will be an amazing experience for you! Construction trips and vision trips are not currently an option, so let’s get together in another format.
I don’t know about you, but after the Snowpocalypse last week, we are ready for some sunshine…and a few palm trees couldn’t hurt either!
Laci and I would be honored to host you at our Builders International Miami Surf & Turf 2021 event at the iconic Biltmore Hotel Miami-Coral Gables!
We’ll spend April 19-22, 2021 together as we rally behind our partners in Mallorca, Spain to help build the first church on the island since 1960!
We’ll spend April 22-25, 2021 together as we partner with our friends in the Philippines who provide a refuge for children rescued out of sex-trafficking.
Thank you for your generosity and partnership!
Let’s build hope,
Ryan and Laci
P.S. Can’t wait to see you in Sunny Miami!