I don’t even know how that is possible, but somehow summer creeps up on us every year. Our summers are always full of fun and ministry.
Here we are, summer 2015! I don’t even know how that is possible, but somehow summer creeps up on us every year. Our summers are always full of fun and ministry.
We came out of an incredibly busy spring, complete with a Builders International Awareness Event for our community, an Open House at our office, an All-Hands Strategic meeting for Builders from across the nation, and all the prep that goes into each of those events beforehand. Not to mention all kinds of end-of-school year activities.
The kids got out of school on May 22 and we headed straight to Texas to visit my parents and be with my mom post-surgery and pre-chemo. Thanks to those who have been praying for her, she is recovering well and will begin six months of chemotherapy at the end of the summer!
We will spend next weekend in Seguin, Texas with our friends at Hillcrest Assembly of God Church. Then we’ll head back to Springfield, Missouri for several weeks of Global Leadership Training, Missionary Training, and Missionary Renewal with fellow missionaries from around the world.
In July, we have the opportunity to spend a couple weeks with Ryan’s parents who are missionaries in Belize. The first week will be rest and relaxation with family and the second week will be a missions trip. Our kids have been asking to go on a missions trip for a year-and-a-half. With Lynzi’s health issues, that got put on the back burner. However, God knew the desires of their hearts and He worked out all the details to make the timing of this team line up just right. We will get to build a campground and minister to the people of Belize as a family and we’re excited!
That brings us to the first week of August which will be spent at General Council.
Then just like that, summer is over and back to school it is! Enjoy every moment while it lasts, we sure will!!!
Much Love,