Back from Belize!

I am so proud of the families who joined us on the family adventure trip to Belize!

It was a pleasure to lead the first family adventure missions trip with Builders International July 13-20th! Thanks to the Fitzlaff, Martinez, Kubik and Sabo families for joining us on the adventure!

We worked hard and played hard! I believe all to the glory of God and strengthening of our families.


Mrs. Reyes hugging Asher as we neared completion on the work!

Our service projects included two days of work, painting a classroom at the Valley of Peace school and working on the home of an elderly couple in the community.

Mr. and Mrs. Reyes, now in their 80’s, live on almost nothing and their home was in horrible disrepair. We were able to install a concrete floor so they can easily get around inside. As well, we worked around their yard cleaning up and removing obstacles from their walking paths.

2017 Family Adventure

On the school, we painted the inside and out of one of the classroom buildings. As well, we gave the interior a makeover cleaning and organizing all the shelves.


Valley of Peace, a Latin America ChildCare school.

Some of the adventures included, zip-lining, cave-tubing, visiting Mayan ruins, snorkeling, and the Belize zoo…





We have already began planning for a 2017 family adventure trip! Keep an eye out for details coming soon.

2017 Family Adventure

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One Response to “Back from Belize!”

  1. Kathy Cagle says:

    We love your emails. We pray for you all and speak of you often. Thank you for doing all you do for God’s Kingdom and for us personally. We are amazed by your family’s capacity to love and give, even to the smallest member.
    Kathy and Paul Cagle