Oh no, Covid-19! What are we going to do?!!

Honestly, it still does not feel real…we went from pedal to the medal, calendar full, teams heading all over the world…To being told we have to “shelter in place” at home for the next 30 days. So…what are we going to do?

Everything cancelled!

Honestly, it still does not feel real…we went from pedal to the medal, calendar full, teams heading all over the world…

To being told we have to “shelter in place” at home for the next 30 days.


  • Builders board meeting, Mar 19-20, canceled
  • Leadership conference, Mar 21-24, canceled
  • Mission service, Mar 29th, canceled
  • Strategic Partnership planning session out of town, March 30th – canceled
  • Seven Builders construction mission teams, Apr-May – canceled
  • Builders International offices, forced to close by the City of Ozark order

We are all in this together!

We realize, all of our friends, in fact everyone in the world, is facing this challenge together.

The threat of sickness is real, though sickness is impacting very few of us.

However, there are real impacts that we will all face…schedules turned upside down…fear of the unknown…economic stress…

We are praying for you during this challenging time!

So…what are we going to do?

Simple, we are going to reclaim this time, adjust our plans, and be ready for the launch as soon as we can get back to “business as usual”, whatever that may mean!

We will…

  • Have faith knowing God is in control!
  • Not be controlled by fear!
  • Enjoy some time with family!
  • Communicate with our friends!
  • Adjust our plans with a 7/14/21 day action plan, now underway.
  • Adjust to a virtual workplace…working from home!
  • Follow our normal daily routine…8:30am 5 minute daily start team meeting, via. video conference .
  • Pull the rubber band back for a launch as soon as we are released!

Thank You

We appreciate you! Please be encouraged in knowing, this is no surprise our God. In fact, for many this may just be one of the best things that ever happened to us. I encourage you, step in to this time of unknown…and ask yourself…

What does this make possible?

What doors does does this open? What opportunities does this present? What plans have you been considering, that this moment gives you the courage to pursue?

May God give us all the wisdom and courage to thrive during this season!

One Response to “Oh no, Covid-19! What are we going to do?!!”

  1. Paul Cagle says:

    Thanks Ryan and Laci, for the good points of advice and info of how you are handling this situation. We see God’s blessings and wisdom over your ministry and its effectiveness.

    We love you and your family. And so grateful for your team and all you are doing!
    Paul and Kathy