Thankful for You Today

Today, we are thankful for you, for your faithful financial support, and your faithful prayer support that enables us to work with Builders International!

Each year we get to continue serving in our role with Builders International, we become more aware of what a blessing this opportunity is.

How our role works…

Many times people ask us how our role works since we serve with Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) as missionaries while leading Builders International.

In the same way that a missionary serving with AGWM has to raise their personal support before leaving for their country to serve, we are responsible to raise and maintain the financial support of our missions account. 

This missions account funds our work expenses, monthly allowance, and insurance.

Thankful for your faithful support!

Faithful monthly support of financial partners like you keeps us on the job. Thank you for believing in us and trusting us with your giving! We are so thankful to be included in your missions and charitable giving! We are currently supported by churches, individuals and business from all over the US.

Our commitment to you.

  1. Work hard.
  2. Keep you informed.
  3. Pray for you.

Our current status:

Our missions account 12 month income statement is currently operating on an average net income deficit of $800/mo. If you do not already support us, please consider supporting us monthly or with a special gift! All donations made to our account are tax deductible!

How to Give

Thank you again for all you do for us!

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