Opportunity Cuba

It was my honor to return to Cuba in May with Paul Duda, where I had the opportunity to visit 21 churches.  Our brothers in Cuba work diligently against great odds and have grown since the late 80’s from about 90 churches to thousands today! On a previous trip to…

It was my honor to return to Cuba in May with Paul Duda, where I had the opportunity to visit 21 churches.  Our brothers in Cuba work diligently against great odds and have grown since the late 80’s from about 90 churches to thousands today!

Brother Hunter and Joe Crews

Brother Hunter and Joe Crews

On a previous trip to Cuba, I had an opportunity to sit down with Brother Hunter (pictured above), who lead the church in Cuba through this time of explosive growth.  He has since gone on to be with the Lord but shared with me some great encouragement, of how construction teams have had a huge impact in Cuba and increased the churches influence and opportunity to minister.

Thanks to three South Texas churches helping this year in Cuba: Lone Star Cowboy Church, MercyGate and Family Life Assembly of God in Katy! They are working with Joe Crews in Havana, on what will be the largest church in Cuba.

Today the church is flourishing and there is a need for facilities, both small and large. Here are some opportunities for you to be a part:

1. Give:

  1. $500 – Finish a retaining wall for a church in Sagua de Tanamo
  2. $1,500 – Doors and window to finish another church in Holguin
  3. $2,500 – finish the house portion of a growing house church in Melilla
  4. $4,350 – Double the size of a house church in Holguin for $4,350 (This congregation of 200 currently meets under a tree.)
  5. $12,000 – Complete 8mx12m church facility in El Migues (You can bring a team to build this with Paul Duda as well!)

2. Go!

Yes, it is possible to go and be a part of a team working in Cuba. You can call us at 417-582-0003 for more information of contact Cuba construction team hosts Joe Crews (joe.crews@agmd.org) or Paul Duda (paul.duda@agmd.org).

2 Responses to “Opportunity Cuba”

  1. kathycagle says:

    We remember your dad’s inspiring trip to Cuba. You and Laci continue making a great difference there. Thank you for going for us. We love you all.
    Kathy and Paul

    • Ryan says:

      Thanks Kathy! Laci and I are thankful to be a part of such great works going on all over the world. It is amazing how much has changed since my dad’s trip to Cuba.