We had a fantastic time at a cabin outside Jasper, Arkansas this past week.  Fantastic weather for enjoying the outdoors, fishing, hiking, spelunking, horse shoes, etc.  Of course, the best part was the special opportunity to spend the week with my parents, Tom and Kathi Moore, who are missionaries to…


We had a fantastic time at a cabin outside Jasper, Arkansas this past week.  Fantastic weather for enjoying the outdoors, fishing, hiking, spelunking, horse shoes, etc.  Of course, the best part was the special opportunity to spend the week with my parents, Tom and Kathi Moore, who are missionaries to Belize, and my brother and sister-in-law, Nate and Sarah Moore.

I could talk on, but no need, here’s a little picture diary!



2 Responses to “VA.CA.TION!”

  1. s f guidry says:

    The next time you get together, bring’em all to my place. I pray that someday the Good Lord will bless me with Tom and Kathy Moore’s presence.